Steve Harper Interviews Scott!

In late 2022, Julie and I were involved in a series of interviews with Steve Harper as part of the Podcast Business News Network. If you’re unfamiliar, it’s a network of podcasts focusing on small businesses, including the Coaching and Wellness Categories. That’s where we fit in. To be transparent, some of those businesses and coaches involve things like reading your pets’ chakras and communicating with them telepathically. All who participate are treated with respect, and I’m pretty sure they have content that will cater to everyone, no matter how serious or strange. So you should check it out!

Julie and I don’t use chakras in our practice. Or telepathy- it’s not our niche. We’re also not here to Executive Coach your badass self into being a superstar CEO or the next YouTube sensation—just common-sense coaching based on our training and experience.

My primary method is “Recovery-Informed Coaching.” I use what I’ve learned with Motivational Interviewing, the Stages of Change model, and Harm Reduction to guide you through the barriers getting in your way. I do not treat addiction as a coach! I was expecting to cover that, and I had a whole script with bullet points to keep me from going off-point.

Steve Harper is a true pro and one of the most experienced interviewers around. I think he also likes to have fun. So when Julie wasn’t able to join in due to a scheduling conflict, I think he got a kick out of throwing my script out the window and pressing me on urgent topics around addiction and drug use, such as Delta-8 and Fentanyl, and how to deal with kids who are vaping.

My answers are certainly not planned, and if not always 100% accurate, I was honest. And no: water will not cure anxiety, but it can relieve the physical stress of being dehydrated, which can decrease symptoms. As soon as I said it, I thought, “Oh great, that’s what my foot tastes like.” You’ll have to check out the rest of the video and judge yourself.

As always, thanks for reading and clicking on the YouTube link. We’ve got a lot more on the way, so be sure to subscribe!



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